What's on the Menu

Declan's menu and adding to it every week.....
  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Sweet Potato
  • Brown rice cereal
  • Butternut Squash
  • Millet cereal
  • Yogurt
  • Pears
  • Papaya
  • Oatmeal
  • Carrots
  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Green beans
  • Tofu
  • Quino
  • Barley
  • Egg yolks
  • White Potatos
  • Flaxseed
  • Apples
  • Kiwi
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Tahini
  • Mango
  • Kale
  • Lentils
  • Spinach
  • Pineapple
  • Zucchini
  • Cauliflower
  • Beets
  • Split Peas
  • Chia Seeds
  • Almond Butter
  • Peaches
  • Blueberries
  • Kidney Beans
  • Whole Wheat Bread

I decided I would try making Declan's baby food. My first thought was I would weed out anything that was too difficult or time consuming. So far it's been super easy and very inexpensive. It makes me feel good knowing exactly what's going into his food. You would be amazed how watered down baby food from the jar is in order to get the thin consistency needed for beginning eaters. So by pureeing the food myself, I am able to add breast milk to thin it out and in turn makes it that much more nutritious.

Declan started solids when he turned five months, eating just two tablespoons in the morning. At six months, we started feeding him solids in the morning and in the afternoon. Probably at 8 months he will be eating solids 3 times a day.

The vegetables I make ahead of time and freeze using ice cube trays. I read it's best to use it within one month but it will last up to three months in a regular freezer. The fruit I make as I go, storing in fridge and using it within 2-3 days. You can freeze fruit just as easy, but it's easy to puree one or two pieces of fruit at a time so I make it fresh. Also with the grains I make enough for three days at a time, but again you can freeze as well.

Week 1- Introduced Avocado. This was very simple. Cut in half lengthwise scoop out the flesh and mash with a fork to get out all lumps then add breast milk to thin it out.

Week 2- Introduced Bananas. I was going to do sweet potatoes but I didn't see any at the store. Bananas were just as easy as avocados. I just mashed with fork and added breast milk.

Week 3-Introduced sweet potatoes/yams. Well the reason I didn't see any sweet potatoes at the store is because they call them yams. I knew they were similar, but I learned depending on where you live and where they come from they are sometimes called sweet potatoes and sometimes called yams. With the "yams," I baked them in the oven until soft. Next I sliced in half and the skins pretty much just peel off on their own and then I use a fork to mash and again add breast milk to thin out.

Week 4- Introduced Butternut Squash. I was a little hesitant about this one, I had never made butternut squash for myself before. the rind is very hard and makes it a little tough to cut open. But first you cut off either ends then slice in half length-wise and scoop out all the seeds and fibers. Then I chopped it into cubes and steamed until soft. Then I removed the rind with a knife and mashed with a fork. Butternut squash naturally has  a lot of water so it was not necessary to thin it out.

Month 6
Introduced Brown Rice Cereal. Declan is 6 months old now and at this age babies are capable of digesting homemade grains. I cook brown rice according to the package. Then I puree using breast milk to thin out. Super easy!

Introduced Pears- Again very easy. Just peel, slice and puree. No liquid is needed to thin out. I did make the mistake and mash it myself the first time. Declan didn't care for it and I believe it's because it was quite grainy this way.  So the next time I  pureed and it's a much smoother texture- he enjoyed!

Introduced Millet- Millet is a type of grain. Again just cook according to package. Then puree using breast milk to thin out.

Introduced Papaya- I've never bought a papaya in my life. Similar to a butternut squash although you don't cook, cut in half lengthwise and remove seeds. Then cut out the flesh and puree. It's very tasty and fragrant.

Introduced Oatmeal- Buy rolled oats, not the quick cooking kind though. Prepare according to package. Then puree using breast milk to thin out.

Month 7

Introduced carrots- Wash and scrub carrots, steam and then puree using breast milk to thin out.

Introduced green beans- Wash, steam, puree, and add breast milk to thin out. Simple.

Introduced Spaghetti Squash- Slice in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds and fibrous strings. I cut into cubes and steamed. I made a mistake and just mashed myself because this is what I did with butternut squash. But as in the name spaghetti, it's very stringy and the baby can choke so I should have pureed and not waste time mashing.

Introduced Tofu- Very simple, just puree adding a bit of breast milk to thin out. I add the tofu to his cereal (brown rice, oatmeal or millet etc.) to make it a complete protein.

Introduced Quino- This is a type of grain. Just prepare according to package, just as you would brown rice, then puree adding breast milk to thin out.

Introduced Barley- This is a type of grain. Prepare according to package, then puree adding breast milk to this out.

Introduced Egg yolks- At this age babies can eat egg yolks, but not the whites yet. Egg whites are a common allergen so they suggest waiting until the baby is one year. Boil eggs. I eat the egg white and mash the egg yolk for him and add to his breakfast cereal, making it a complete protein meal.

Month 8 (this month I started mixing grains together for his cereal, ie. oatmeal and quino or rice and barley, etc.)

Introduced White Potatos- aka, "mash potatos"- peel, boil, mash, puree adding breast milk to thin out.

Introduced Flaxseeds (natural source of essential fatty acids needed for your baby's brain development)- You can buy flaxseeds already ground up so just add to cereal, yogurt etc. I add 1/2 teaspoon to his cereal every day.

Introduced Apples- Peel, slice and puree adding very little breast milk depending on the juicyness of the apple.

Introduced Kiwi- Slice in half, scoop out the flesh with seeds and mash (not  a favorite of Declan)

Introduced Broccoli- Cut off the large, thick stems. Chop into little trees. Steam and then puree adding breast milk to thin out.

Introduced Asparagus- Cut the bottom inch off then steam and puree adding breast milk to thin out.

Introduced Tahini (ground sesame seeds)- Sesame seeds are a good source of calcium and B vitamins. You can buy tahini already ground up at Whole Foods, it has the consistency of peanut butter. I add a small amount to his cereal.

Introduced Mango- I love mango! I wish it didn't have such a big seed, you don't get much flesh from it. But just slice, peel and puree.

Month 9

Introduced Kale- Kale is a green, similar to spinach. Remove the leaves from the stem. Steam and puree. Kale has a very strong flavor, Declan ate a little by itself. I mixed the rest with yogurt or cereal.

Introduced lentils- Lentils are great source of protein. Cook according to package and add to cereal or use as a finger food.

Introduced Spinach- I buy spinach that is in the bag desteamed and prewashed so it makes it very easy just steam and puree.

Introduced Pineapple- Pineapple is quite easy to cut and I never realized. I used to buy it precut but it's expensive that way. Basically cut off either ends and then turn right side up and cut off each side to get rid of the rind. Then slice into pieces around the core. Then puree, it comes out very thin and a bit frothy so you can mix with yogurt if you desire.

Introduced Zucchini- I cut off either ends and then cut into pieces leaving the skin on, steam and then puree.

Introduced Cauliflower- Cut off the big stems and chop into little trees, steam and puree adding breastmilk to thin out.

Introduced Beets- Cut off stems, but not to close to beet. Boil for about two hours, just be careful to put enough water in so you don't boil the water away like I did the first time and ruin your beets.

Introduced Split peas- A great source of protein and fiber. Cook according to package- basically boiling for a short while and then puree adding breast milk to thin out.

Month 10

My milk supply is getting low, so in lue of breast milk I will be using almond, rice or soy milk when needed. Also I am trying to give Declan finger foods to practice chewing (gumming). He loves broccoli florets. I also peeled and cut off either end of an apple (my friend's idea) and Declan went to town on it. Also enjoys pieces of banana.

Chia Seeds- An excellent source of omega fatty acids. They are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber
and is a natural antioxidant. You can hide them in anything. I have been adding some to his super porridge.

Almond Butter- Ground up almonds. So much tastier than peanut butter, I think! Almond butter is a staple in our house, Donal and I have almond butter and jelly sandwiches often. I have been adding some to his super porridge.

Peaches- I bought frozen ones because there are no fresh organic ones at the moment. I let them defrost in fridge and pureed.

Blueberries- Just puree! It was interesting they turned to jelly in the fridge.

Month 11
I am trying to work on finger foods. I bought a bag of frozen mixed vegetable since they come all "pea" size. It's taking sometime for him to get them in his mouth, but we keep trying.

Whole Wheat Bread- I toasted and cut a strip for him. He did well with it.

Kidney Beans- I bought a can, no salt added. I pureed them with some millet.

Month 12
We are slowly doing less and less purees. A few new things he has tried and liked... grill cheese with tomato, stuffed peppers, turkey sandwich, hummus and pita bread, beans and rice

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