Declan and Rory say the darndest things!

Declan- "mommy I want to go outside"
Mommy-" Declan you need to put on your pants first"
Declan-"I want to go outside with my penis"                                                    Oct 2013

Background- the day before, Donal was having Declan get him beers out of the fridge while he watched football.
Next day
7am in the morning, I am in the playroom playing with the boys and Declan gets up and goes to the fridge which I assume he is going to see what he wants for breakfast. He pulls out a corona..

Declan- " Mommy you want a beer?"                                                                  Oct 2013


Donal- Farts (very loud)
Declan- " Daddy you pooped your pants?"                                                        Sept 2013


Rory- "ga ga goo goo ga ga goo goo"
Declan- "Rory what you talking about"
                                                                                                                     often (started in Oct 2013)


Declan does something super cool.
Mommy- "Declan you're on fire"
Declan- " I'm not on fire, I'm Declan"

                                                                                           January 2014

I was laying on the floor in the playroom with my arms above my head.
Declan- "mommy you are growing a beard"

Later that day I showered and shaved my arm pits. Declan went to show Donal my "beard" later and it was gone- he was so confused. The look on his face was priceless.

                                                                                                                March 2014

Declan was feeling/massaging his arm and says "I am feeling my skeleton." Then you see Rory mimicking his movements, too cute.

                                                                                                                   Aug 2014

I took Declan for ice cream to break the news that he would be starting preschool at a new school (he hadn't been in school for a few months). Declan's response, "I don't want to hear it, don't talk to me."

                                                                                                                   Aug 2015


I was putting Rory to bed one night and he says I have something green up my nose, I naturally assumed he was talking about boogers. He said it again so I had a look, what do you know it was a green pea from dinner. Thankfully I has him blow and it came right out, because my first reaction was to get the tweezers which I did, but then I thought to have him blow first.

                                                                                                                     Oct 2015

Declan " I've got fire eyeballs and I'm watching you!"

                                                                                                                        Oct 2015

Donal asked the boys who team they want to be on when we were playing a board game. Declan says "We want to be on mommy's team not daddy's, she doesn't do anything wrong."

                                                                                                                          Nov 2015

I ask Rory do  you want a grill cheese, "No mommy I want a boy cheese not a girl cheese."

                                                                                                                         Jan 2016

Donal picked up a bartending shift. Declan asks "Why is daddy working tonight?" I say, "For extra money." Declan asks, "Why we have lots of money?" I questioned "We do?' Declan says "Yeah and I have a lot of money in my piggy bank."
                                                                                                                             Feb 2016

Declan asks "Are we taking the short cut of the long cut?" I say "The short cut." Declan says, "Then why is it taking so long?"

                                                                                                                             Feb 2016

Talking about birthdays. I say "Rory your birthday is April 10th" Rory says "Oh like a tent."

                                                                                                                               March 2016

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