Rory turn 1 on Thursday the 10th. We had our well visit at the doctor, he checked out great. He weighed in at 25 1/2 pounds (95 percentile) - no wonder why my wrist and arms are hurting all the time, and is 33 inches tall, which is off the charts. I get a lot of "Wow's" when people ask how old he is. He is "talking" up a storm these days and it's sounds like he knows what he talking about but is still gibberish to us. Although he has managed to sneak in a couple of words. Still saying bird, but also said balloon twice at Declan's birthday party and now says bye bye. Too darn cute, hopefully he keeps it up and is an early talker like Declan was, it definitely will make things easier. He is still taking a lot of steps, but not officially walking as of yet, probably a couple more weeks. He enjoys throwing the ball and getting chased by his big brother.
I took him to get his first hair cut on his birthday and he did great. He enjoyed driving the car and then popping the bubbles. In the early evening we went to the park to romp around. When we got home we celebrated with daddy and ate cupcakes.
Declan celebrated his 3rd birthday and we snuck a birthday wish in for Rory too!! Declan chose the '"Superman" theme. Declan, a few months back, comes home form school one day saying Anthony (one of his best school buddies) is "Anthony Batman" and I am "Superman Declan." And we would hear this all the time. So we got him of course some superman apparel, action figure and other things and it has stuck with him for quite some time. He had been nonstop about his birthday party since his good friend's Ethan's in January. We had the party at Plantation Woods Park, the same park we celebrated his 1st birthday at. He had 15 friends to party with. I ordered the kids red superman capes personalized with their first initial and it was a big hit.