Thursday, December 26, 2013

Rory up on all 4s

Rory is getting closer everyday to crawling. He gets up on all fours, does a little rocking and then usually belly flops...

Rory enjoying lunch...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Christmas Eve was spent with good friends Matt, Callie, Coleman and Michaela, Merideth, Charlie and Findley. We spent the afternoon at the Bosch house, the toddlers romped around the back yard, babies played on the floor and the adults had, well, some adult drinks. It was a fun day had by all and  by the end of the night the kids were raving with glow sticks in Coleman's room.
Christmas morning came early and as I let Donal sleep in of course and I kept Declan from pawing the presents open. Donal woke and the presents were ripped open so fast I'm pretty sure I missed it as you will see no video or pictures of the action.

Donal spent the next hour putting together the Ballapalooza and realized Christmas was not like he remembered. We enjoyed the toys with the kids, and  then enjoyed the kids going down for a nap and relaxed with some baileys. We went for a walk in the evening and the boys were down early because of the past few days' excitement. Declan's last statement of the night was "Santa is coming tomorrow with more presents"- eekkkkk, I hope he's not too disappointed on St. Stephan's Day. 

Happy First Christmas baby!

How is it snowing when it's 80 degrees out!

Santa is for reals!

the tree has toys on it, this is awesome

3.5 seconds later


Sunday, December 15, 2013

A little Scooting....

Rory is scooting around a little more each day. I got some on video today. We also had a play date with baby David. His mom Crystal and I have been friends for about 8 years and the boys are two months apart.

Rory and David

What's up ladies!!

Declan loves playing with the little guys too....

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

8 months....

my little butterball!

Rory is 8 months today! He's doing great. He weighs about 22 lbs. He's starting to get up on all 4, a little bit of rocking, and when he tries to go he moves backwards and gets very frustrated. He's eating solids 3 times a day and I have been pureeing the food like I did for Declan. He naps three times a day so I haven't taken him to any baby classes yet, but I look forward to it. Right now he is pretty much entertained by Declan and loves it. Declan is so good with him, they are already the best of friends!

Declan is enjoying school and swim class. I'll have to get some video soon. We've been to a Christmas tree lighting and out to see some lights. Declan loves it, he seems to be getting into the Christmas spirit and there will be a lot more in the next two weeks. We are in the process of potty training. He wears underwear during the day  and always at school. If we go out, depending where its usually a diaper. It's coming along good.

In his school uniform

Declan and Rory on the drum...

Declan with his train table....

Declan and Daddy making cold press juices.....

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rory at 7 months

Rory was 7 months on Sunday. He is sitting up very well on his own now and he is doing the occasional rock on all fours. He continues to be enamored with Declan and its the sweetest thing to see.

7 months- 20 1/2 lbs

sitting up like a big boy


I'll show you how to crawl Rory....

making some noise

lazy days are the best with daddy
Enjoying the ride

me and my best girl

Rory wrestling with mommy

with all my ladies...Michaela, Lucy and Haylyn

at the "work" place

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ball Pit

We turned the pack and play into a ball pit....

Big Boy on a Big Slide....

Trick or Treat

We celebrated Ghost and Goblins for about a week. We did two pumpkin patches, a trick or treat block party, a pumpkin carving party, and a Halloween festival.

Add caption

Coleman, Michaela, Rory and Buzz Lightyear

Hula Baby and Cuddly Cub

too hot for costumes

Working the Patch
Declan and Mommy's carving skills

Come fly with me Rory

To Infinity



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Nap

Rory was bouncing like a mad man for 30 minutes and I actually almost took out my video camera. Then a few minutes later this happened....

He napped for about 20 minutes

Monday, October 14, 2013

Rory at the 6 month mark

Rory Richard 6 months old!

Happy Half Year Birthday!! We go for Rory's well visit on Wednesday so I'll have some more stats. But last week I took him into see the doctor for a cough, he is finally getting better but it has lingered for a while. He weighed 18.5 pounds which is the 75th percentile. He is starting to sit up on his own and will for 5 or 10 seconds so I think by the end of the week he will have it mastered. He is still super chill and so sweet. Declan is in love and gives him lots of squeezes and kisses, it should get interesting when Rory starts taking and playing with his toys.

Wednesday Update:  Rory weighes 19 pounds (75th percentile) and is 28 inches long (93 percentile). His well visit doctor appointment went great, he's thriving well and no more cough- yay!

Rory working on sitting up.....

Declan's fist time on the big boy swings.....

happy baby

baby moon

my gerber baby

happy with mama

baby push-up, tune back in soon to be crawling

Sunday, September 15, 2013

5 months already!

Rory was 5 months old last week. The time is flying. He's been rolling around for a few weeks now and is starting to sit up tripod style just today. He is all smiles for his big brother Declan!

Declan is doing great. He is singing the alphabet all the time and has been for some time but recently is recognizing the letters and sounds. His grammy bought him a big alphabet floor puzzle that he loves and matches his leapfrog alphabet flash cards to it. He loves jumping and dancing for Rory.