Declan had a big month.... His two bottom teeth came in, grrrrrr! And he's had his hair (well actually just his bangs) cut.
He is able to sit up on his own and then not long after he started crawling, which then led to him pulling himself up to standing using just about anything he can; couch, chairs, dresser, me, toys etc. So we decided to get rid of the coffee table, put down foam mats and soon the TV will be mounted on the wall, lol!
Declan also started sleeping through the night! He sleeps from about 6pm to 5am.
He is also eating solids twice a day. I have been making his baby food so far. He eats avocados (his favorite), bananas, sweet potato, butter nut squash, brown rice, millet, oatmeal, pears, and papaya. Check out my video
Enjoying some sweet potato! |
Look no hands! |
Catch me if you can! |
I'm a big boy! |